Functional and process solutions

Mare Austria GmbH distributes the full range of the Mare group's paper chemicals in the area of Austria and Central Europe.

Our package includes the following product lines:

Calcium stearate Swedcoat

Calcium Stearate


CMC Carboxymethylcellulose Niklacell

CMC (Carboxymethylcellulose)


Dry Strength Marebond MareZyme Niklacell CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose

Dry Strength

Marebond, MareZyme, Niklacell

Enzymes MareZyme



Internal Sizing Dymar (AKD), Insize (cationic rosin), Kentol & Marecoll (anionic rosin emulsion), Mareasa (ASA), Marecoll RX (rosin soap)

Internal Sizing


Dymar (AKD), Insize (cationic rosin), Kentol & Marecoll (anionic rosin emulsion), Mareasa (ASA), Marecoll RX (rosin soap)

Polyacrylates Maredis



Process Chemicals Fomar Mareclean Maredis

Process Chemicals

Fomar, Mareclean, Maredis

Surface Sizing Maresize

Surface Sizing


Wet Strength Maresin

Wet Strength


Yankee Chemistry Maremod (Yankee modifier), Marerelease (Yankee release),  Marecoat (Yankee coating)

Yankee Chemistry

Maremod (Yankee modifier), Marerelease (Yankee release),  Marecoat (Yankee coating)

Mare has six production facilities strategically located across Europe, providing the most consistent and highest quality products on the market today.

To find out more details please visit our group Website


If you would like more information on any of Mare’s products or services, or how we can provide a solution that meets your requirements visit our contact page